5 ways Asset Based Community-Driven Development supports Community Initiatives – Dee Brooks

You may have heard of Asset Based Community-Driven Development or ABCD but what does it mean? How does it support community initiatives? Dee Brooks shares her insights in how ABCD supports community-driven initiatives.

Dee is a founding member and Facilitator of the ABCD Asia Pacific Network, an accredited ABCD trainer, an Art of Hosting trained facilitator, a Flow Game Host and a DRUMBEAT Facilitator.

Dee is an International Faculty Member of the ABCD Institute, a Steward of the international ABCD in Action Network and a founding member of the Unconference.

ABCD Workshop

  1. Conversations start with identifying the gifts, skills, abilities and passions of individuals which recognises the collective wisdom,  local knowledge and shared experiences of community members.

Glass half full

  1. By building community from the inside out, Asset Based Community-Driven Development recognises that communities are full of resources although, doesn’t ignore issues and challenges.
  1. 2015-09-30 11.30.58Discovering what people care about, enough to act on, encourages community-inspired action; it’s about finding gold and being bold versus being told and feeling sold!
  1. The driving forces are based on hope, care and relationships to support the discovery of the naturally intrinsic assets and strengths of individuals and communities
  1. ABCD encourages connection, celebration and fun; dare to think small, celebrate the small steps, starting anywhere, leads everywhere!


For more information on Asset Based Community Development contact Dee Brooks dee@jeder.com.au or Michelle Dunscombe michelle@jeder.com.au